Here is a list of free spiritual films or that you can rent on Vimeo, in order to raise your level of consciousness and perceive reality from a new angle.

Currently, we are experiencing a real turning point in our history and we are led to make individual choices that can make a difference in the creation of our new reality. It is important to change our view of the world and get off the known paths. What you thought was right might not be right today. So dare to question yourself; dare to adventure and change your belief systems, your perception of reality, your daily life in order to live in a better world in harmony with nature and with our Essence.

Happy watching the movies!

Thrive movement: que faut-il donc pour prospérer? Quand on remonte la filière de l’argent…

En quête de sens

Tout s’accélère sur la problématique du temps

Demain: pour un monde meilleur

Les gardiens de la terre: un tour du monde des traditions spirituelles

Nosso Lar, notre demeure: film sur la vie après la mort

En conscience: documentaire sur l’expérience de mort imminente

Samadhi: l’illusion de soi

Inner worlds, outer worlds: Akasha (part.1)

the spiral (part.2)

the serpent and the lotus (part.3)

beyond thinking (part.4)